Caramelised Pear, Prosciutto & Cranberry Roulade Goats Cheese Pizza

Pizza night is just about to get even better with this pear & prosciutto pizza. The combo is sweet and salty. The taste is amazing 🀩

If you’re having friends around at the weekend, this pizza would make fantastic finger food

- pizza da piero pizza bases
- 3 small pears
- 4 slices prosciutto
- 1 tub of cranberry roulade goats cheese (plain goats cheese will work too)
- 2 tbsp butter
- 2 tbsp brown sugar

- melt butter and brown sugar in a pot over medium heat. Add the sliced pears and cook for about 10 minutes, to caramelise.
- pre heat oven to highest temp
- add pears, goats cheese and prosciutto to pizza base
- cook in oven for 3-5 mins until crispy
- remove from oven, scatter fresh basil leaves, slice and enjoy